Terms and conditions LootLure.Net is a social casino. This page contains terms of use only Before using our website, please read the terms of use carefully. Downloading our game with the service means that: you have read and accept the terms of use in full agree not to use the service illegally agree not to use the service illegally have read and accepted the Rules of Responsible Gaming you agree that your personal data may processed to the extent specified in the terms of use. Conditions for the provision of services offered through the service under the following name: LootLure.Net Social Online Casino General provisions 1.1. The Terms of Service define the rules for the use by individual users (hereinafter the “Users”) of the interactive services (hereinafter the “Services”) offered by the service provider through the Internet service with the following name: LootLure.Net Social Online Casino (hereinafter the “Service”). 1.2. The services offered by the Service Provider shall consist of giving registered Service Users (“Members”) access to the service which includes a gaming platform operated for entertainment purposes, as well as allowing Users to contact and share information and opinions with others. people who are interested in games and to improve their knowledge of game-related topics. 1.3. As part of the services provided by the Service Provider, Members may participate in games where the score depends on reaction speed, dexterity and perception. To become the winner, a player must score the most points in a relevant game that requires the use of the skills mentioned above, or in games where the score or the final result depends to some extent or only on chance. 1.4. The use of the services available through the Service and the application for membership in the Service will be equivalent to acknowledging and accepting the terms and conditions set forth in this document and to be bound by said terms and conditions each time the Service is accessed. Users who visit the service without having registered as members will be subject to the terms of service to the extent stipulated in the Act on the provision of services by electronic means. 1.5. The service provider wishes to communicate that it will not enter into agreements with individual users or service members. All users and members of the service who use the services made available by the service provider through the service shall exclusively comply with these terms of service. 1.6. The Terms of Use can be viewed and printed at any time. 1.7. The ability to fully enjoy all the features of the games available through the Service is dependent on the player’s computer or mobile device meeting certain technical requirements. Users of the Service are solely responsible for ensuring technical compatibility between their devices and the Service. 1.8. The Service Provider will not accept any liability for unavailability of the Service attributable to factors beyond its control or unforeseen circumstances. In addition, the service provider reserves the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services through the service at any time and for any reason, especially when the service needs to undergo maintenance, revision or technical expansion, subject to prior notice to users of the service and registered members.

MEMBERSHIP AND REGISTRATION 2.1 In order to play the games available through the Service, users must verify that they are over 18 years of age. 2.3 The Service Provider wishes to warn the users of the Service that since the outcome of a number of games available through the Service depends on the reaction speed, dexterity and perception of the players, persons suffering from certain types of disabilities, especially visual or motor disabilities, may find it difficult to use the service. The service provider informs that, given the current level of development in computer technology, it has no way of guaranteeing special access to the service for the disabled. At the same time, the service provider wishes to assure the users of the service that as soon as it is technologically possible, it will give such persons access to the works that are available through the service. 2.4 If a user who registers to be a member of the service expresses such a wish, he must access the services offered by the service provider immediately after registration. In such cases, the user does not have the right to withdraw from the agreement in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Certain Consumer Rights. In each case, a user will lose the right to withdraw from the agreement concluded with the service provider from the moment he first plays a game provided through the service. 2.6 If the information provided by a Member upon registration is misleading, incomplete or inaccurate, the Service Provider shall have the right to remove such Member’s account from the Service and ignore their registration. In such cases, the member does not have the right to make a claim in connection with the loss of membership in the service. 2.7 The Service Provider may monitor the locations from which users access the Service and, at the request of a competent authority, may take appropriate technical measures to block access to the Service from a jurisdiction whose laws, to the best of its knowledge, prohibit or restrict access to the Service. 2.8 The service provider may require a member to change their password or other login details for security reasons or for other important organizational or technical reasons. 2.9 The service provider may require a member to change their password or other login details for security reasons or for other important organizational or technical reasons. GAME RULES 3.1 In order to play certain games offered through the Service, members must have game chips. Game Tokens may be assigned to Members free of charge or may be purchased for play by Users for a price specified in the Price List or may be obtained free of charge in accordance with the terms of any promotion organized by the Member. Service provider as part of the operation of the Service. 3.2 Game rules, scoring, participation problems and game instructions are set out in the reference sections accompanying each game made available by the Service Provider. 3.3 After the end of a performance, the Service Provider will disclose the login details and score results of individual participants. Past data will also be included in the high score tables. RULES FOR RESPONSIBLE GAMING The purpose of the Internet service is to provide its users with entertainment, to allow them to participate in contacts and discussions with other users who share the same interests and to update their knowledge of poker and gambling topics. By making the Service publicly available, we hope that all users will use the services offered on the Service for that purpose. However, it may happen that the use of the services offered on the Service, instead of being a source of entertainment, becomes for some users a way of spending too much time and money. Such cases are rare and, above all, avoidable if only the following basic rules are observed: I play for fun. I play for rank points with no real value, I am aware that the only value of them is my satisfaction. I use to play only the amount I can afford to lose. I try to win, but I never try to take revenge. I don’t play when I’m sad, tired and/or depressed, under the influence of drugs or alcohol. I can spend my free time doing things other than playing. Remember, when you feel that playing games becomes more than just a source of entertainment for you, you may, in accordance with the Terms of Service, request that your member account be deleted and that your access to the services offered on the Service be made permanent. denied.